Medical Records Scanning

Is this Service For You?

MedRecords’ medical scanning services applies to:

Continuing Practicing

Physicians who are not planning to close their practice in the near future.

Switching to EMR

Physicians that are looking to switch from paper to EMR.

Cost Savings

Physicians who want to want to save on the cost of storage.

For physicians who are closing their practice this service may be free of charge. If you are planning to close your practice please refer to our Office Closure Services.

Estimate Your Price

For physicians who are not closing their practice and would like to take advantage of our non-profit pricing, we offer our scanning service for $250.00 per banker box. This fee includes pick-up, processing, scanning and legal destruction. Additional transportation costs may apply for pick-up services outside the Greater Vancouver Area.

In order to calculate a quote, you need to determine how many banker boxes you have. A banker box holds 15 inches of records. Once you total the number of inches you have, feel free to use our Banker Box Calculator to see how many banker boxes you require.

Banker Box Calculator

  • Please enter a number from 1 to 1005.

How it Works?

A quick overview of the process:

Empty Banker Boxes

MedRecords can provide empty banker boxes for you to pack your records in. Many physicians already have their records packed in banker boxes which MedRecods will accept as well. A banker box measures 15? in length.

Schedule Pick-Up

MedRecords will then coordinate pick-up. Once the records are received at our facilities, our team will begin processing and scanning. Scanning is at 200 dpi/Duplex/B&W for all paper size.

PDF Files

Once scanning is completed, MedRecords can transfer you an electronic copy of your records. All records will be in PDF format, which is accessible on all computers.

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